Highlight Find Results is a new feature in Visual Assist X 10.5. By default, this feature tracks your standard Find commands and highlights all of the find results in the text editor. Some people may not want this feature enabled by default and would rather manually invoke highlighting. Here’s how.
First, to disable the default behavior, uncheck the “Highlight find results” option on the Advanced | Display page of the Visual Assist X Options dialog.
Next, create a keybinding to invoke VAssistX.FindSelected. Open the IDE Options dialog and navigate to Environment | Keyboard. Type “findsel” into the “Show commands containing” edit control. Select “VAssistX.FindSelected” in the command list. Select “Text Editor” in the “Use new shortcut” list. Press Alt+K in the shortcut keys control. Press Assign and OK.
Now, you can press Alt+K on any word (or selection) in the editor to highlight all occurrences of the word (or selection). The command also updates the Find text so that F3 will move the caret to the next occurrence. Unlike Ctrl+F3, when you press Alt+K, the caret will not change position. Press escape to clear the highlighting.