Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2031 is available

Greetings from San Francisco!

Thank you to all of the customers who stopped by our booth at the Build conference. It’s clear we have ardent supporters. We look forward to providing you with the debugger improvement we demo’d. Expect a beta in a few months. To the many first-time visitors, we hope you find Visual Assist as valuable as we led you to believe.

Build 2031 of Visual Assist was made available the first day of Build, to coincide with Microsoft’s announcement of universal solutions and shared projects. Although beta, Visual Assist build 2031 has support for the new features of Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC. We’ll blog separately to discuss the impact of shared projects on several features of Visual Assist, including Find References, Rename, and Change Signature.

Visual Assist build 2031 requires maintenance through 2014.03.31. The build includes an entirely new editor for VA Snippets. The editor is available only for Visual Studio 2010 and newer, but since VA Snippets are shared among IDEs, edit VA Snippets with your newest IDE and your changes will be available in any old code you still maintain. We already have changes planned for the editor before GA, including a redo of the type filters, but we’d love to hear suggestions for more.

If you use a dark theme in Visual Studio 2012 or 2013, you won’t need your sunglasses when our find dialogs open. Enough said.

Learn what’s new in build 2031, or skip directly to download the installer.

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