Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2114 supports Visual Studio “15” Preview 5

Visual Assist build 2114 supports Microsoft’s newest IDE, Visual Studio “15” Preview 5. But like the IDE, support is a work-in-progress. There are two caveats.

First, Suggestion Lists and Enhanced Listboxes are not yet available in Preview 5. Development continues. For now, settings on two pages of the options dialog for Visual Assist are disabled. (In a coincidence, Preview 5 includes two features, Predictive Intellisense and Intellisense Filtering, that are a little like the unavailable features—ones introduced in Visual Assist more than a decade ago.)

Second, the C++ experimental feature ‘Faster Project Load’ is not yet supported.

Also, we have found multiple versions of Preview 5. We have tested successfully versions 25802 and 25807. Although your IDE might report no update is available, if you run the Visual Studio Installer (a start item after installation of the IDE,) you will get the newest version of Preview 5.

We have also discovered that uninstalling of an extension, not just Visual Assist, sometimes leaves Preview 5 in an unstable state. If you uninstall an extension and Visual Studio “15” crashes during startup, we have instructions to return the IDE to a stable state.

Build 2114 also fixes a few bugs unrelated to Preview 5.

Visual Assist build 2114 requires software maintenance through 2016.10.15.

Check out the complete list of what’s new in build 2114, download the installer, or learn to reset Preview 5 in this forum announcement if the IDE crashes at startup.

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