Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2291 is available

Visual Assist build 2291 is a minor release that fine tunes several, well-loved features–ones that seem never to be finished.

Find References (Shift+Alt+F) in Visual Assist is the big brother of the like-named command in Visual Studio. (At one time, Visual Assist provided the only version.) The results window of the Visual Assist command has long allowed collapsing of project and file nodes, but the UI to that ability was ill-suited for large solutions. Build 2291 changes that. New commands in the context menu of a results window let you collapse and expand all nodes, or collapse just the file nodes.

Collapsing all nodes is especially useful before a Find (Ctrl+F) in the dialog, because the Find automatically expands the next node that contains a found string, making it easy to locate only references of interest.

VA Hashtags, a favorite of those who have learned to use the feature, has long allowed hiding and unhiding of “noisy” hashtags. But, unhiding could be applied only to all hashtags. Build 2291 changes that. With the build, and assuming hidden hashtags are shown dimmed, unhiding is now available on individual per scope of hiding: project, directory, file, and hashtag.

Open File in Solution (OFIS) (Shift+Alt+O), arguably the most-used feature of Visual Assist, also received a small improvement. A previous build introduced the persistent filter–a filter applied automatically, every time the OFIS dialog opened. That filter can now be toggled per dialog–applying and not applying the persistent filter. Use Ctrl+R to toggle the persistent filter.

Finally, build 2291 continues our ongoing commitment to Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) with several game-development tweaks to the code-generation features of Visual Assist.

Build 2291 requires software maintenance through 2018.09.21.

Check out the complete list of what’s new in build 2291; learn about collapsing and expanding nodes in a Find References results window, hiding and unhiding of VA Hashtags, or persistent filtering in the OFIS dialog; or download the installer for build 2291.

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