Build Announcements

Visual Assist Build 2375

NEW Added Code Inspection for modernize-deprecrated-headers clang checker. Some headers from C library were deprecated in C++ and are no longer welcome in C++ codebases. This check replaces C standard library headers with their C++ alternatives and removes redundant ones. NEW Added MakeShared/MakeUnique Smart Suggestions for UE4 smart pointer initialization. NEW Change…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist Build 2366 is Available!

Build 2366 is all about keeping the lights on and letting you code faster and more effectively. While the release includes tons of bug fixes, you’ll find that we’ve added a few new items as well. In keeping with the latest and greatest, we’ve updated to…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2353 is available

This release represents a turning point for our development team. We’ve made great strides in fixing bugs associated with Visual Studio 2019 and have focused our attention on the future. A major lift in this release was our move to Clang 9. Future releases will leverage Clang in new ways so stay tuned! But Build 2353 wasn’t all about groundwork, Code Inspection has some nifty new…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2341 is available

The steady stream of functional and quality improvements to Visual Assist continues despite the recent hiccups with new purchasing and licensing systems. (Those systems are being ironed out.) Visual Assist build 2341 improves one of its earliest features—enhanced…
Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2331 is available

Extensibility has long been a strength of Microsoft Visual Studio, but extending the IDE too greatly can impede its startup. Thus, many developers are familiar with Visual Studio’s yellow status message that suggests an extension is likely causing slow startup. To alleviate slow startups, Microsoft has encouraged partners to load their extensions asynchronously. That encouragement is now a…
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Build Announcements

Visual Assist build 2302 is available

Honestly, the title of this post should be “Visual Assist build 2302 has been available for a long time”. I have been lax in writing. Fortunately, if you enable notifications of new builds in the options dialog of Visual Assist, you would have discovered build 2302 not long after it was released. And if you clicked through a what’s-new link, you would have learned what improved…
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