
Compatibility of Visual Assist with Releases of an IDE

A few days ago, Microsoft announced the release candidate (RC) of Visual Studio 2015 Update 2. If you are a user of Visual Assist in this newest Microsoft IDE, any build of Visual Assist beginning with 2073 should work for you. I write “should” because builds of Visual Assist made before the RC, for obvious reasons, have not been tested against the RC. (We can’t test what we…
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A Developer of Visual Assist Saves Energy

I am a long-time member of the development team for Visual Assist. I also read a lot, often about the workings of the brain. I read recently Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. The author divides thinking methods into fast and slow. Fast is automatic; slow requires…

Visual Assist and Visual Studio 2015 RTM

Microsoft released Visual Studio 2015 RTM this week. Visual Assist build 2068–the most recent build–supports the new IDE but not yet at release quality. There are a few known issues that will be resolved in our forthcoming builds: Enhanced…

Visual Assist supports Visual Studio Community 2013

Yesterday, Microsoft announced Visual Studio Community 2013—a terrific addition to its lineup of IDEs. In addition to being fully featured, Visual Studio Community 2013 provides access to the Visual Studio extensibility ecosystem, including to Visual Assist. This extensibility should appeal to every user of the non-extensible Express Edition. If you install Visual Studio…
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License and maintenance options get an update

We’ve updated our license and maintenance options for Visual Assist, and we want to take this opportunity to explain what remains the same, what’s changed, and what it means for you. Our standard license of Visual Assist now better serves the…

Visit the Tomato at Build 2014

Join Whole Tomato Software at the Build 2014 conference this year, April 2nd-4th in San Francisco. We’ll be demonstrating Visual Assist to the uninitiated, and offering existing customers a sneak preview of an enhancement to the Visual Studio debugger. Stop by to…

Support resources for Visual Assist get a makeover

If you’ve been anywhere near our website in the last month, you’ve undoubtedly noticed we embarked on a major upgrade of the support resources for Visual Assist. We are happy to say we’re finished with the heavy lifting, and done fussing with our discussion forums. Reference material that existed previously in the forums, e.g. examples of VA Snippets, now lives in our knowledge…
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The Tomato introduces a new website

We are happy to introduce a revamped website for Visual Assist. We think the site is simple, well organized, responsive, and replete with content new and existing developers need to be productive with Visual Assist. You’ll find: A “What’s New” page…

Visual Assist loses her X

After ten years of dealing with her ex, Visual Assist X has regained her simpler name, Visual Assist. Now for a bit of history. The X in Visual Assist X became part of the product name in 2004, when developers at the Tomato decided it was important that customers get new…

Visual Assist Supports Visual Studio 2013

Whole Tomato has always taken pride in maintaining support for every Microsoft IDE our customers use, from Visual C++ 6.0 through Visual Studio 2013. If you own a license for Visual Assist, or are considering a trial, know that the latest build of Visual Assist has full support for Visual Studio 2013 RTM. Users with software maintenance through November 11, 2013, qualify to run Visual Assist build…
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