Tips and TricksWebinar Recap

Summer CodeFest: Magnificent or Malevolent: Maps! Measured, Monitored, & Magnified! [Mrecap]

Webinar overview:  Std::maps is a staple in the C++ world for sure. It’s reliable and useful, but in this presentation, David Millington goes a level deeper and examines how other features offered beyond the standard library can be used to maximize the usefulness of the data structure.  Quick Refresher on Maps Maps are essentially a way to store key-value pairs in an ordered…
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Tips and TricksWebinar Recap

Summer CodeFest: What the Hex? Ports and Adapters Architecture with C++ [Recap]

This session has concluded watch the replay or download the slides below. Common pitfalls when scaling applications When scaling applications, two common pitfalls often arise: spaghetti code and a lack of proper testing. This can occur for various reasons, but one of the most common reasons is the lack of a coding style guide or an overarching design structure. For instance, when starting a…
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Tips and TricksWebinar Recap

Eliminating Code Smells with Visual Assist Code Inspection [Webinar Recap]

Learn how to enforce coding standards, avoid common coding errors, and improve your code’s overall readability and maintainability with Visual Assist’s code inspections. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting, this webinar will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to improve your code quality. Join us to discover the benefits of Visual Assist’s code…
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