Tips and Tricks

Mark All Occurrences

Highlight Find Results is a new feature in Visual Assist X 10.5.  By default, this feature tracks your standard Find commands and highlights all of the find results in the text editor.  Some people may not want this feature enabled by default and would rather manually invoke highlighting.  Here’s how. First, to disable the default behavior, uncheck the “Highlight find…
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Visual Assist X 10.5

We’re proud to announce the release of Visual Assist X 10.5, which adds full support for Web and WPF applications, including ASP/ASP.NET, HTML, XML, JavaScript, VBScript, and XAML.  It also adds new features to existing languages, along with many fixes and…
Tips and Tricks

Refresh Find References

Find References is great at locating references to symbols across your solution.  But did you know that when you just want to search the active file, you can use the Find References in File command?  You get a shorter search duration and the results list window is the…

Recursive Products

One of my first tasks at Whole Tomato was to do some code cleanup in the name of learning the Visual Assist codebase.  After just a few Find References, Renames, and Goto Definitions, I realized the recursive nature of this product:  I was using VA to learn VA.  I was using VA to refactor VA’s refactoring code.  I was even using the codebase as a test suite for itself. Most…
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Tips and Tricks

Using Qt 4.4 with Visual Assist

If you are using Visual Studio with Qt, you can ensure a more productive experience by adding the Qt directories to your Visual Studio list of includes. In Visual Studio, add the following directories to the Win32 Platform Include files list (Tools|Options|Projects and…
Tips and Tricks

VA Snippets

VA Snippets allow you to create reusable and easily accessed blocks of text that can be inserted into the text editor by typing shortcuts directly into the editor. In order for VA Snippets to be offered to you while you are typing, make sure that the “Include VA…
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