Release notes apply to all IDEs unless indicated. Case numbers are for internal tracking only. Numbered links refer to related posts in our support forums.
requires software maintenance through 2020.10.28 (General release.)
SHA256: 2A28603893FC99D251E7072C8CD7771E617A72944C26D62888F0553AFF174BE7
- New Reduced in-process memory consumption by storing data out-of-process. (case=93582)
- New Code Inspection engine updated to LLVM/Clang version 11.0.0. (case=142976)
- New Added simple suggestions for the Unreal Engine UE_LOG macro. (case=117086)
- New Added Code Inspection for performance-inefficient-algorithm clang checker. (case=142916)
- New Refreshed installer icon! (case=110170)
- Update Unreal Engine auto-detection to support future builds. (case=142862)
- Removed username and password authentication from Source Links Github plugin ahead of planned deprecation. (case=142418)
requires software maintenance through 2020.09.03 (General release.)
SHA256: 7E118C0B8807275E44EBEEB02F100D431FFFE576567079197D9AFFA370BEC316
- Fix for font sizing in registration dialog links. (case=142819)
requires software maintenance through 2020.08.25 (General release.)
SHA256: C410B5E7B2E1E3B6549F0FDD10658E42404904E69B8342D4C35815CEF50B0084
- New Code Inspection engine updated to LLVM/Clang version 10.0.1. (case=142801)
- New Added Code Inspections for readability-else-after-return, and modernize-return-braced-init-list clang checkers. (case=142341, case=112189)
- Fix for VA View file and symbol dropdowns not moving when user moves VA View. (case=142798)
- Numerous per-monitor DPI fixes. (case=142774, case=142467, case=142437, case=142249, case=142192, case=142191, case=142048)
- Fix for "use shuffle() instead of random_shuffle()" Code Inspection not underlining issues, or underlining too much. (case=142424)
- Fix for non-local using namespace directives sometimes breaking resolution of local using directives. (case=142375)
- Fix for font sometimes not matching the font used by the IDE when display scale > 150%. (case=142364)
- Fix for Create Implementation placing the body in the wrong position when class declaration has final keyword. (case=142183) 16896
- Updated Source Links Github plugin authorization APIs. (case=142118)
- Fix for Add Include path generation in UE 4.25+. (case=141985)
requires software maintenance through 2020.06.25 (General release.)
SHA256: 1C47A5AB406859ABC7A1949A976DD064BEAF0240AA880FA6F67C7D5BC25A752E
- Disabled change to heavily modified solution load as some users were experiencing issues. (case=142406) 17954
requires software maintenance through 2020.06.16 (General release.)
SHA256: 9E291D2AF0BA6DB40CD37A8F7711FC7D2641E762AD7326C2E4D0BCD0F67BC632
- New Added Code Inspections for readability-redundant-string-init, readability-redundant-string-cstr, and readability-redundant-member-init clang checkers. (case=108205, case=108206, case=142295)
- New Create Implementation and other refactorings do not namespace-qualify generated code if a using directive for a namespace is in the target source file. (case=20637) 9404, 10135, 10734, 12442, 12053, 12238, 12539, 12822, 15267, 15296, 16712, 16779
New Improved performance in some cases when loading a solution that's been heavily modified outside of Visual Studio. (case=142124)
- [VS2019] Fix for sluggish listbox response. (case=142247, case=142313)
- [VS2019] Continued improvement of support for per-monitor DPI: listboxes and tooltips. (case=142193) More improvements expected in next update as well.
- Fix for Convert Unscoped Enum to Scoped Enum leaving uncompilable code when unscoped enum used as an array index. (case=142303)
- Fix for startup crash that could occur in some circumstances after changing Windows 10 display scaling without logging out and logging back in (regression in build 2375). (case=142324)
- Fix for missing base class symbols in the Goto Member dialog in some scenarios. (case=142090) 16861
- Improved VA Outline support for macro generated source code. (case=30076) 11813
- [VS2019 16.3+] Fix for corrupt text in Quick Info tooltips of template symbols. (case=141726) 16796
- [VS2019 16.7 preview] Fixed completion of IntelliCode suggestions. (case=142351)
- Added new command VAssistX | Tools | Reload Solution that directs VA to act as if the solution were closed and then reopened (to force a refresh if needed, without changing Visual Studio state). (case=142332)
- Fix for failure of Goto command to work from implementation of const method after arriving at it from an invocation of Goto at the declaration. (case=100615) 17942
- Increased number of threads allowed in the maximum concurrent threads UI of the VA Options dialog. (case=142315)
requires software maintenance through 2020.05.09 (General release.)
SHA256: 8482E38B27BE6F7C5C96BF593C183FD1833155F496C1DB14942FAF51B671D534
- New Added Code Inspection for modernize-deprecrated-headers clang checker. (case=119888)
- New Added MakeShared/MakeUnique Smart Suggestions for UE4 smart pointer initialization. (case=141820, case=141821)
- New Change Signature on UE4 RPC/BlueprintNative methods update the implementations. (case=141288)
- New Code Inspection engine updated to LLVM/Clang version 10. (case=142052)
- New Reduced memory required in very large solutions. (case=142113, case=142114)
- [VS2019] Fixed highlighting of solution file paths in build output window. (case=142196)
- Fix for poor performance (UI thread multi-second unresponsiveness) switching between files when many editors open (regression in build 2366). (case=142032) 16891
- Fixed handling of include directories in UE4.25 projects. (case=142235)
- [VS2019] Fix for strange screen artifacts when using multiple monitors, with independent DPI settings, after opening the VA Keyboard Shortcuts and Snippet Editor dialogs. (case=142179)
- [VS2019] Improved VA Options dialog display when using multiple monitors with independent DPI settings. (case=137636) 16566
- [VS2019] Continued improvement of support for per-monitor DPI in VA dialogs and toolwindows. (case=137579, case=141344, case=141642) 16730, 16564 More improvements expected in next update as well. Please contact if you experience behavior that is worse than in build 2366.
- Invocation of Find References while a previous invocation is still running, will now stop the previous run and start a new search. (case=141731)
- Multiple Encapsulate Field fixes for infrequently encountered edge-cases. (case=141952, case=141953, case=142028)
- Fix missing expand/collapse all nodes commands in context menu of Find References results window when Show Projects option is disabled. (case=142050) 16857
- Runtime compatibility warning added for IncrediBuild agent version (case=141861) 16854, 16662, 16680
requires software maintenance through 2020.02.20 (General release.)
SHA256: BEAC5B6A506D57EFF301BED75308C69E14800F60978600EE483D97B598EEC1E9
- New Find References and Rename of a UE4 RPC method now affects the related methods (Base/Base_Implementation/Base_Validate). (case=141287, case=141682) 16534
- New Code Inspection engine updated to LLVM/Clang version 9.0.1. (case=141832)
- New Open File in Solution dialog now functional while initial solution parse is active. (case=137978)
- New Fix for Visual Studio code formatter indenting after Unreal Engine RIGVM_METHOD() and GENERATED_BODY() macros. (case=141706) 16764
- New [VS2019] VA Navigation Bar now supports Per-Monitor Awareness of DPI. (case=137527) 16564, 16805
- Improved Code Inspection fixes in source files that contain identifiers with UTF-16 characters and in source files that use non-unicode code-page encodings. (case=141376, case=141872)
- Fix for poor typing experience in Open File in Solution dialog when list contains more than 25,000 items. (case=141733)
- Fix for parsing of C# interpolated strings that was incorrect in some scenarios. (case=141701)
- Fix for Create Implementation failure in some namespaces that have the namespace name in a comment. (case=99333) 12720
- Fix for Visual Studio code formatter indenting method declarations when preceded by Unreal Engine attributes works for non-US keyboard layouts. (case=141693) 16764
- Fix positioning of UE4 RPC methods generated by Create Implementation. (case=140912) 16665
- Fix for parser crash. (case=141917) 16835
- [VS2019] Fix for deadlock during build of solution with modified nuget dependencies in some circumstances. (case=141911)
- Fix Alt+O failure to locate proper match for *.qt.h files in certain scenarios. (case=141728)
- Improved parsing of implicit invocation of template function. (case=66730) 16339, 16744
- Fix for slow response to keyboard navigation in the Find References results list when there are a large number of items in the list. (case=141848)
- Fix for hang when starting more than 14 instances of Visual Studio. (case=141791) 16808
- Fixed support of designated initializers in arrays. (case=141667) 15320
- Improved VA Outline results in source code with braces in asymmetric #else blocks. (case=97015) 5783, 16762
- Fix for crash opening Code Inspection results window due to invalid saved window size. (case=141818) 16812
- Updated error message displayed during Create Implementation on BlueprintImplementableEvent UE4 method. (case=141477) 16753
- [VS2010-VS2013] Updated Jira plugin for Source Links due to SSL connection errors. (case=141702)
- Fix for infinite loop in background parser thread that prevented devenv process from exiting (regression in build 2341.0). (case=141817)
See all archives.